Magali Bessone

Magali Bessone is Professor of political philosophy at Panthéon-Sorbonne University, member of the ISJPS (Institut des Sciences Juridique et Philosophique de la Sorbonne, UMR 8103) and associate researcher at Centre International de Recherche sur l’Esclavage et les Post-esclavages. Her research focuses on theories of justice and critical theories of race and racism. She is the author of Faire justice de l’irréparable (Vrin, 2019), Sans distinction de race? (Vrin, 2013), the co-editor, with Daniel Sabbagh, of Race, racisme, discriminations: une anthologie de textes fondamentaux (Hermann, 2015), and with Myriam Cottias, of the Lexique des réparations de l’esclavage (Karthala, 2021).