Who we are


Fellows (2022-2024)

Menna Agha

Architect & Assistant Professor, University of Carleton (Canada)

Noureddine Amara

Historian & Research Fellow, Abdallah S. Kamel Center, Yale Law School (Algeria, USA)

Sihem Bensedrine

Writer & Journalist, Former President of the Truth and Dignity Instance (Tunisia)

Michel DeGraff

Professor of Linguistics & Co-Founder of the MIT-Haiti Initiative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Haiti, USA)

Kenda Mutongi

Professor of History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

Mame-Fatou Niang

Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)

Fania Noel

Afro-Feminist Organizer, Writer & PhD Candidate, The New School for Social Research (USA)

Bettina Stoetzer

Associate Professor of Anthropology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

Board of governance